Story Ideas for Writers
Now that life has settled down a bit; I’m trying to get the weekly Provocative Phrase Friday posts off the ground again. Finally, I have more time to focus on CT4W and provide some solid content for the site overall.
This week’s writing prompts are a good set. All of them suggest conflict is afoot. Some such as this week’s featured story starter–“Who told you this? “and “Where is my body? ” Ask questions that naturally need to be answered.
Others such as “So you’ve killed them,” “Brace yourself for a surprise,” “It’s a severe error,” and “It won’t be pretty” suggest significant dramatic tension is on the horizon.
But I think one of the sleepers this week is at the top of the list below: “Things that go wrong.” This one can be a good self-exploration leading to a solid list of additional writing topics to use for later writing sessions, figure out why you are stuck on a writing project, or come up with obstacles or flaws for characters in your stories.

Other Writing Prompts & Story Starters
Here are 11 other writing prompts to consider:
- Things that go wrong.
- Where is my body?
- I have to have it.
- It won’t be pretty.
- Never again will I…
- I really don’t want to change.
- So you’ve killed them…
- It’s a severe error…
- Don’t be fooled…
- We were ordered to…
- Brace yourself for a surprise.
So, what creative writing prompts did you find helpful this week? Let me know in the comments.