Story Ideas for Writers
This has been a crazy week by any objective measure. You have had the following happen this week:
- Mass protests of heavily-armed people who don’t want to be quarantined any longer. (And the memes making fun of the preppers who have been buying ammo and rations for years waiting for the shit to hit the fan, and now that it finally has, they are complaining that they can’t get a haircut or eat at the Cheesecake Factory)
- The President of the United States encouraging residents in states with Democratic governors to “Liberate” their state, going against the stated advice of the medical experts working for him.
- Conspiracy theories running rampant that COVID-19 is a Democratic plot to overthrow Donald Trump, an excuse to force everyone to have microchips implanted, to cause the economy to collapse, etc.
All of these things lead you to this week’s provocative phrases and photo, and an apt question to ask during these crazy times: “Does anything even matter anymore?” I don’t know the answer, but maybe you do. Answer this question or use any of the 11 other story starters below to get those creative juices glowing.
- I’ve never actually seen it.
- Why didn’t anyone try to…
- When you meet with your clients…
- He doesn’t remember.
- Why is that so important?
- Did you know?
- Some things I never thought I’d do…
- I am not late.
- How does this compare with
- What do you do when you can’t sleep?
- When we learned that…
Until next week, stay shiny, my friends.