Story Ideas for Writers
According to the Collins Dictionary to leave your/a mark’s definition is:
If someone or something leaves their mark or leaves a mark, they have a lasting effect on another person or thing.
This is the goal of most human beings it seems. To make your mark on the world, yet so few of us manage to do so in a long-lasting, meaningful way.

You might be leaving your mark on the world in many ways, both good and bad unbeknownst to you. Most of us have had people who have left a mark on us in ways that they never quite realized. A teacher who encourages you to go to college when you are 14 and never really gave it too much thought, but somehow it solidifies into a goal that you pursue with single-minded tenacity that surprises even you. You didn’t think to thank them because you didn’t see the depth of the mark they made until much later.
This person’s influence might have instilled a core belief in you, a deep love of a sport, a musician or band, a genre of fiction, or any number of things. Leaving a mark might be as simple as a single act of kindness shown at the precise time when it was needed most.
Writers write because they want to make their mark on the world. A book is proof that you did something. Something tangible that you can hold in your hand and give to others.
- Why are you doing this?
- A chance to talk about what happened.
- You’ve never seen it.
- It’s not your…
- It takes me a few minutes…
- It will taste better…
- Here’s what you’ll need.
- They never have to take…
- I’ve sort of got…
- If I got killed…
- When you’re putting on your socks…
So leave your mark and start a new project using one of these prompts (or one of your own) today.